2021 - National Ercoupe Convention

Celebrating the 81st Anniversary of the Ercoupe!
There's a $10 discount for registering by May 15th, 2021 and an additional $10 for EOC members.
Registration ends on June 15th, 2021. This is a non-refundable event.
Questions about this year's convention should go to Syd Cohen: 715-573-7063.
Hotel Information
Discounted Registration deadline - July 1st, 2020 - Use Group Code ERC
Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites (This is our Convention Hotel)
1000 Imperial Avenue, Rothschild, WI 54474 phone (715) 355-1111
Best Western Plus
803 Industrial Park Avenue, Rothschild, WI 54474 phone (715) 355-8900
Camping is available on the airfield at the Wausau Downtown Airport
Tent camping in the grass behind the private hangars. Showers are available for campers at the FBO.
Motor home parking only on the hard surface but, with no hookups, is also available on the airfield
Event Details
Event Date | 2021-07-21 |
Event End Date | 2021-07-25 |
Registration Ends | 2021-06-22 11:55 pm |
Registered | 84 |
Individual Price | $55.00 |
Speaker | Jessica Cox |
Location | KAUW - Wausau, WI |
All Day, July 21-24, 2021 |
Arrivals and RegistrationShuttle vans will bring Convention attendees to and from the Holiday Inn & Suites and the Best Western Plus.. Call 715-573-7063 or 715-574-0319 for a shuttle. |
Wednesday Activities |
1300 Wed, Jul 21 |
Rubber Chicken Drop ContestThink you got what it takes? "Drop your rubber chickens here!" Should be a heck of show and contest. |
1500 Wed, Jul 21 |
Spot Landing ContestI got the power! (Turned way up since I'm flying so slow). Think of this as practice for heading over to Oshkosh - and win prizes too! |
1700 Wed, Jul 21 |
Less than $100 hamburgersDepart for a TBD airport for the traditional "$100 hamburger" |
Thursday Activities |
0900 Thu, July 22 |
Formation Flying SeminarA one hour (os so) seminar on formation flying presented by Tiger Flight in the FBO Conference room at the airport |
1100-1430 (approx) Thu, July 22 |
Eau Claire Dells County Park PicnicBus leaves KAUW at 1100 1130 Lunch catered by the Fifth Avenue Restaraunt in Antigo Bus leaves Eau Claire Dells at 1400 |
1730 Thu, July 22 |
Bratwurst Dinner ($6)Held at the Learn, Build, Fly Education Center at the airport |
1900 Thu, July 22 |
Flying Movie NightDr. Glenn Burt hosts "High Road to China" in his hangar at the airport |
Friday ActiviesNote that the Art Museum Tour and Maintenance Seminar are both at the same time. You can do one or the other! |
1030-1345 Fri July 23 |
Flyout to Shawano Airport1030 – Briefing for flight to Shawano Airport. Bus will depart at this time to the Lighthouse Restaraunt next to the Shawano Airport. 1100 – Fliers depart to fly to Shawano Airport 1200 – Lunch at the Light House Restaurant. Lunch cost depends on what you order off the menu. 1300 – Bus brings riders back to the Wausau Downtown Airport and flyers fly back there. 1345 – Fliers return to the Wausau Downtown Airport. |
1430 Fri, July 23 |
Art Museum TourBus departs to Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum |
1430 Fri, July 23 |
EOC Maintenance ForumConducted by our very own Lynn Nelson in the Learn, Build, Fly Education Center |
1730 Fri, July 23 |
Genuine Wisconsin Fish Fry DinnerHeld at the Loading Zone restaurant. 157024 E Hamilton St, Wausau, WI 54403. Shuttles will provide transportation. |
1900 Fri, July 23 |
Video NightExperience "Wisonson from the Air" at the Learn, Build, Fly Education Center |
Saturday Activities |
0900 Sat, July 24 |
Members meetingMeeting of the members of the Ercoupe Owners Club in the Learn Build Fly Education Center. Non-members are welcome to attend. |
1000-1400 Sat, July 24 |
Young Eagle Flights and Open HouseYoung Eagle Flights and Open House for the local people. All Ercoupers are encouraged to fly Young Eagles. EAA membership and successful completion of the Young Eagles Youth Protection Program required in order to fly Young Eagles. |
1530 Sat, July 24 |
EOC Board of Directors MeetingEveryone's welcome at the FBO conference room |
1700 Sat, July 24 |
Transportation to BanquetBus and shuttle vans bring everyone to the Holiday Inn & Suites for Banquet. |
1730 Sat, July 24 |
Awards BanquetHeld at the Holiday Inn & Suites. Come here the amazing Jessica Cox speak about her adventures and flying the Ercoupe! |
Sunday - End of Convention and Off to Oshkosh |
0700 Sun, July 25 |
Caravan BriefingDeparture briefing for the Ercoupe Caravan flight from Wausau to Oshkosh AirVenture. Shuttle pickups at 0630 at the hotels. |
0815 Sun, July 25 |
Off to OshkoshDeparture for AirVenture, flying in trail. |
0915 Sun, July 25 |
Mass Arrival at OshkoshLanding and special parking for Ercoupes in the Type Club Parking Area. Tie down, Presentation of Certificates, register, etc. |
Wednesday Night during Oshkosh |
1730 Wed, July 28 |
EOC DinnerBoard a bus on Knapp Street, near the Ultralite Red Barn for the Ercoupe Dinner at LaSure’s Catering Hall, 3125 South Washburn Street, Oshkosh. The bus will return us to the airfield after the dinner.
Note: this event is refundable in case you decide not to attend. |
Jessica Cox
Jessica is best known for becoming the first armless pilot in aviation history. Her achievement earned her a Guinness World Record medal, invitations from six continents, and featured on tv programs like Ellen, Inside Edition, Fox and Friends, Oprah Winfrey Network, CNN, CBS Evening News, and the BBC.
Lynn Nelson
Lynn is widely regarded as one of the experts on Ercoupes as well as aviation maintenance. He has worked on countless Coupes and assisted the members in ways too many to recount here. Sure to be a lively talk, as there are opinions and there are facts. Lynn knows about both.